Title: Blinding Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Characters: Xander/Anya Rating: PG Theme: Darkness Words: 100 Summary: Anya handles the news of Xander's condition. Warnings: Continuation to my Caleb/Xander piece. Angst
Title: Sweet Tea in Hell Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Crowley/Bela Rating: PG Theme: Darkness Words: 280 Summary: Hell is undergoing a minor crisis. Best thing to do to soothe the nerves would be to brew a cup of tea, except there is no water in Hell. Warnings: Demon!Bela. S6 finale spoilers.
Title: In the dark Fandom: True Blood Characters: Alcide/Sam Rating: R Theme: Darkness Words: 100 Warnings: PWP, basically. Except not that explicit.Very brief/little of S6. Summary: There, they were alone, and it was only them. Also posted at trueblood100.
Title: Start of Darkness Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Kali/Jennifer Rating: PG-13 Theme: Darkness Words: 353 Summary: "I really did love you" Kali mumbles under her breath before walking away. Warnings: Spoilers for 3x10. Seriously, it'll be hard to get a thing of this without seeing it. Also, implied sexual relationships.
Title: Darkness Closing In Fandom: Hannibal Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham Theme: Darkness Rating: PG-13 Words: 495 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of a 25-drabble Will/Hannibal series.
Title: Longing Fandom: American Horror Story: Murder House Characters: Violet/Tate Rating: PG Theme: Darkness Words: 100 Summary: He only wanted one thing... Warnings: Post-series.
Title: My Light Fandom: BtVS Characters: Willow/Tara Rating: PG Theme: Darkness Words: 200 Summary: She was her light in the darkness. Warnings: Spoilers for season 6.
Title: Games Fandom: Pretty Little Liars Characters: Alison D./CeCe D. Rating: PG Theme: Darkness Words: 100 Summary: Ali was just a girl. And then she met her. Warnings: Slight spoilers for S3 (if you know who CeCe is, you're ok).